Saturday, January 8, 2011

Next Ultrasound in 2 weeks...

At our visit to the OB on the 4th we were able to sneak another peak at the baby (who was jumping around like a little jumping bean... very energetic!) and we were thrilled!  I received a call from the doctor a few days ago and she said that the results of all of the testing (blood and urine) came back excellent, so no need to worry on the health front.  It has been such a perfect pregnancy so far and I hope things continue that way!  We have an appointment on the 19th for a Nuchal Translucency screening (tests for Down Syndrome) which is performed via ultrasound, so we are hoping to find out the sex of the baby then.  I can't wait.... Liam or Sophia.... which one will it be?!?!?

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