Monday, December 27, 2010

Start Spreading the News...

We are so excited to finally let everyone in on our little secret!  Everyone enjoyed their Christmas surprise, and we were so delighted to be able to catch everyone's reaction on film.  Paul had double the surprise, as he was unaware that Erik & Brandy are expecting also.  Baby Shafer even got his/her first present from Uncle Erik and Aunt Brandy!

Friday, December 17, 2010

8 Weeks Today...

Your pregnancy: 8 weeks

Your baby is growing up a storm, this week measuring about a half an inch in length, or about the size of a large raspberry.  And that sweet little raspberry of yours is looking less reptilian and more human, as his or her lips, nose, eyelids, legs and back continue to take shape.  And though it's still to early to hear from the outside, your baby's heart is beating at the incredible rate of 150 times per minute (that's twice as fast as your heart beats).  Something else new this week:  Your baby is making spontaneous movements (twitches of the trunk and limb buds too tiny for you to feel).

Murkoff, Heidi and Sharon Mazel. What to Expect When Your Expecting Fourth Edition. New York: Workman Publishing Co., Inc., 2008

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Our First Ultrasound

We had our first ultrasound today and we were able to hear the baby's heartbeat!  It was so exciting to see our little angel for the first time!  The baby measured at 7 weeks and 5 days, which is right on track for our expected due date of July 30, 2011, and it's little heart is beating at 156 bpm.  It has been smooth sailing so far in the pregnancy.  I have been blessed with only mild nausea, and rarely feel it at all.  I have been extremely hungry, so the only discomfort that I have really felt is a ton of heartburn.  We pray that things progress just as smoothly, and we cant wait to sneak another peek at our little sweetie!